Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Crafting Fun!

Ok, so now that I have given everyone their Christmas presents I can show you all what I have been up to for the past few weeks (similar to what my sister-in-law did on her blog). Crafting!
If you haven't heard of it yet you should all check out Pinterest. I'm obsessed. Here are a few of the wonderful ideas I have found on there.

This is the change holder I made for my mom. We are planning a trip to Greece in a few years and have been saving change but Mom has only had a peanut jar to keep hers in.

I took a shadow box and drilled a slit in the top (with some assistance) and found a wonderful picture of the Greece shore to put in it for inspiration. You could find one pre-made online for about $25 but I find making them is more fun and about half the cost.

The next thing I made were wreaths. I made one for the Tinsley's and one for the Scruggs.

I found the inspiration on Pinerest but there was not one specific tutorial I could point you to. I bought pipe insulation at Home Depot for $0.98 and duct taped it in a circle. One, six foot piece was enough for two wreaths. I then wrapped the foam in yarn then took ribbon I found at the Dollar Store and ruffled it around and attached with pins. It took two spools of yarn for one wreath. I then took bells I also found at the Dollar Store and pinned them on and to complete the look I took ornaments that I found at... guess where... and hung them in the middle. The effect was wonderful. So all together each wreath ended up costing me $4.50. (I would now like to apologize to the people I made these for. They look more expensive than they actually were.)

Another project I thoroughly enjoyed was making this necklace.

I bought an ugly tie from Goodwill (the uglier the tie the cuter the necklace) and took it apart with my dear friend, the seam ripper. I then sewed it back together in a thin tube. I placed large plastic beads inside and tied a not in between each bead. A more in depth tutorial can be found here.
I bought the beads at Hobby Lobby and if you shop at Hobby Lobby and ever pay full price you are crazy. They have 50% off sales each week on different items. If what you want is not currently on sale, go back next week and it most likely will. If it can't wait they have 40% off coupons on their website every week and if you have a smart phone you can pull it up on your phone and don't need to print it off. Well that was my aside to Hobby Lobby. Moral of the story, I got the beads on sale and the cost of the necklace ended up being $2.50.

There are still other projects going on but until they are delivered to their final destinations I can not put them on here. If you have a spare minute (and I can tell you do since you are reading this) check out Pinterest but beware... it's addicting!

I hope all of you had a wonderful and joyous Christmas and have a Happy New Year!

Friday, November 4, 2011


It was brought to my attention recently that I have not updated my blog in quite some time. Well, I'm sorry. Here is what is going on in my life:

I am loving my new job. It has its times of stress like any job but I fully enjoy it and I work with some amazing people.

I have had some visitors recently. The lovely Miss Robin MacIntosh stopped by on her way to her new adventure in Florida. We found ourselves in "interesting" situations as always but it was great to see her. I know God is going to do mighty things though her down in Florida.
My next visitor was my dad. It was a wonderful visit and I had so much fun. I think he may have fallen in love with the Greenville area as I have.
And this just in, my mom is coming to visit me for Thanksgiving! I have missed my mom so much and I can not wait to see her again. On the schedule so far is Cirque Du Soleil!
And next summer, on their way home from Arizona, my brother, sister-in-law, and favorite nephew are coming to see me!!!

Not only and I blessed with the people who have come to see me but also with the people I have come to know here. The Scruggs family has "adopted" me and I love spending Sunday evenings with them. My new church family is also a huge joy in my life. This past Wednesday I went to a women's get together at one of the lady's home. It was a wonderful time of fellowship with great Christian women.

Fall is officially upon us down here. (I would like to take this moment to laugh at those up north that experienced snow last weekend. After I leave Starbucks I plan on sitting on my deck and reading a book.) The trees, although not as glorious as up north, have started to change color and the leaves are falling.

In a few weeks I will be joining another woman from my church and volunteering at the local children's home. I am excited to get involved with this ministry.
I will be driving home for Christmas and will be back in Vermont for five days. I hope to see as many of you as possible.

My experience in Greenville has been nothing like what I expected but I would not change it for anything. I have learned so much about myself and God and I have grown in so many ways.

I only ask for continued strength in the Lord and faith in his direction.

Prayers of blessings to you all!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

All the glory to Him

Since I moved, and even before then, I had been searching for a job. That was my main focus for the past three months. It consumed my thoughts daily and I was constantly worried about not finding work. I knew God was testing me but how far was He going to go? It seemed to me that our clocks were not synced. I was ready for work and God was telling me to wait. I came to a point of complete surrender. I had sent out over 50 applications to jobs related and unrelated to my field and I had heard nothing. I thought that I was fully qualified. I had an education, I had experience, I was a pleasant person, and yet... nothing.
Last Friday I gave up. (Ask my mom, it wasn't pretty) I couldn't handle the stress anymore. A new round of bills were coming and there was no way that I could pay them and no one was calling me for interviews and I was out of ideas. I gave it all up on Friday. I cried out to God and handed everything over.
On Sunday, a friend from church asked if I was still looking for a job and offered me the info for a position that she had interviewed for but did not want. I sent off my resume that night at midnight. At 9am Monday morning (they woke me up) I got a call to come in for an interview at 2pm. By 2:15 they offered me the job and I started Tuesday morning at 9am.
God is good! (A complete understatement) He was waiting for me to hand the situation over to Him and in His perfect timing everything fell into place. And to add a cherry to the top, I got to work on Tuesday and they had Green Mountain Coffee. :)
Yes, the bills are still and issue but I know He will work it all out.
I want to thank you all for the prayers and thoughts. You all mean so much to me.
I will keep you updated on the adventures of being a receptionist in a psychiatrist's office. It had been eventful so far. :D

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I got an interview for a Special Grants Coordinator position! I have no idea what that entails but how bad can it be? Right?

Other happenings:

I found a pub last night that was playing the Patriots game and I wasn't the only one cheering for them!

I'm amused that Starbucks is already advertising their fall drinks considering it is currently a scorching 90 degrees outside.

I have watched every movie I own since moving here. Time to start back at the beginning?

Yesterday, while sitting on a bench downtown, a homeless man sat next to me and started talking to me about his first night living on the street. I felt bad for the man and normally I would have listened to him but I was worried, so Katie ever so promptly responded to my text of "Call me know!" and rescued me.

I made cookies. I love to bake and cook. I would invite random people over just so I could cook for them... but then I might be in the same position I was with the poor, homeless man.

Not much else going on. I just thought I would update you all. As much as I like being busy and working, I am enjoying the time I have right now to spend reading my Bible and praying. I am learning to entirely depend on God and I wouldn't trade that for any job. I know He will bring me one when the time is right. All is good down here and I think of you all often. :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Kickin' it Old School

I like old fashioned things and traditions. I like that at one time, all men held the door for women. I like the idea of having formal dances to certain songs instead of just an orgy on the dance floor. I like that people went to each other's homes to visit and have coffee instead of sending a text or a facebook post.

Maybe I have been reading to many books from the "good ol' days." I decided to take my own trip down memory lane and bust out my dad's old film camera and go to the downtown park.

I had originally had this camera for a black and white photography class I took in college but I have not touched it since then even though it had been my favorite class. Here are some of the results of my recent walk through the park.

I don't pretend to be any type of photography expert but I had fun.

Take some time and do something a little old fashioned today.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


DWI. That's right. I did it. I "drove while ill."

It's not fun being sick with no one to bring me soup so if someone could fly down here and make me soup I would be eternally grateful!

I don't have much to say today. I've started to work more, most likely why I am sick now... snotty little children. Oh well. I need to go back to bed now.

I hope all is well with everyone!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Attitude Adjustment

Not many of you know but I got a part time position at Build A Bear. At first I did not want to share this information with anyone but God has been working on me. There are many reasons I didn't want many people to know but to give you the Cliff Notes version: I was embarrassed. I am a college educated woman with years of experience and training in the field of human services and I can do better than a minimum wage job in a mall. Sounds kinda prideful, huh? Well it is and that is something I have been trying to work through.

My plan when I moved down here was to find a job, any job, then work at finding something full time within my field. If you noticed, that sentence started with "My plan." I've started to realize that my plan might not be God's plan and it says pretty clearly that "His ways are higher than our ways" and so I have been trying to learn humility and patience. I don't believe that God led me down here to work part time but I do know that he has a plan and that he is getting me to trust him and to wait. Two things I'm not very good at. A verse I have continued to go back to is Proverbs 16:9. Look it up and maybe you too will go through an attitude adjustment.

In other news, I think I may have found a church! I went to one yesterday that was amazing. Before I even walked in the door I had about 10 people welcome me and show genuine interest in me. Then the worship was just a group of people coming together to sing to our Jesus. It felt great. I will keep you updated on that.

I also went to the Hillsong United concert which was absolutely amazing. At first I was worried about going alone but it didn't matter, I was there to praise.

I'm pretty excited for this weekend because there is going to be a "Really Good, Really Big, Really Cheap Book Sale" downtown. (I didn't come up with that myself, it's what is on all the signs) And since I have read every book on my shelf I can get some more!

I hope all is well with each of you! Miss everyone!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

One Week

It's been one week... since you've looked at me... just kidding. I apologize for starting this blog off with a bad reference to the Barenaked Ladies but I couldn't help myself. Here I go again....

It's been one week since I dropped my mom off at the airport and started my new life by myself. Here is what I've accomplished:
- I've read 4 books
- Watched 10 movies
- Called the maintenance men 3 times
- Gone on countless visits to Target
- Slammed my thumb with a hammer 5 times
- Stubbed my toes on my bed twice
- Walked around a farmers market
- Unpacked everything but my bedroom
- And made dinner every night

So it's not as much as I would have liked to accomplish but I think it was fairly productive for a first week. This upcoming week I plan to get out more. I want to go to a state park and go for a hike, attend the outdoor music nights downtown, and find something new that I didn't know about. I also am attending the Hillsong United concert on Tuesday!!! (Be jealous)

Here is what I have done so far with the place:
My Living Room

My Dinning Room

My Kitchen

My Bathroom

And My Deck

I have been having so much fun making this place my new home. That's all I have for now. I hope all is well with each and every one of you. :)

Friday, July 29, 2011

New Home

I got my keys today! Tomorrow I will be moving all my stuff in!

As I got ready to move here I went through a rolodex, if you will, of emotions. I have felt everything from overwhelmed to carefree, panicked to peace that passes all understanding, and nervous to excited. The final emotion that I felt was sadness. I was completely unprepared for that one.

I am thrilled to see where God is taking me down here and what is in store but leaving my home was much harder than I thought it would be. I have lived at 9 Little Ascutney Rd for 20 years and now, not only am I moving away but when I come home to visit, home will not be home. My mom is also moving out of the house in Perkinsville and my brother and his new wife are moving in. There are many changes happening and it all hit me in the last three days before I left.

I am not attached to the walls and ceilings of my house but rather the memories. The house is where my brother Matt taught me my times tables and Tim taught me about power tools. It's where I roller bladed in circles for hours while my grandfather chipped away at a piece of wood with his swiss army knife. It's my childhood. But I'm growing up and moving on.

I am loving my new home. Mom and I pulled in at 4:30 this afternoon and after picking up my keys we went downtown for dinner. Of course I had to find a good brewery first so we ate at Blue Ridge Brewing Co. It was delicious. Then we needed a chocolate fix and found a cupcake haven called The Chocolate Moose. The best part (after the delicious cupcakes): they serve Green Mountain Coffee!! A little piece of home all the way down here.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I have an apartment!

Here is the view from the parking lot. My balcony is the one upstairs on the left. Building 23. I think it's a sign. ;)

Here is my living room and dining room.

More pictures will be added once I make it my own.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Lessons from SC

In my continuing learning journey tonight I will bring you insights about South Carolina. Here are a few things I have learned about this great state:
1. They, like most southern states, love NASCAR. (Not a sport!)
2. No matter what kind of music they normally play, all radio stations become christian on Sunday mornings.
3. No one uses blinkers.
4. I'm pretty sure they still harbor anger towards yankees.
5. People stay up past 9pm!

I'm sure there have been other things. Let's face it, it's the south, they're weird. But I'm loving it! I applied to 10 jobs today. My hand it still seizing; but I already have two interviews for when I get back! Tomorrow I am going to be looking at a few apartments. This is the part I have been most excited for. I will hopefully have pictures and more to talk about tomorrow!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Lesson #2

Lesson of the day: Confidence

I know this may come as a shocker to all of you but I lack confidence on occasion. Some things I am not confident in include snowboarding, breakdancing, and foreign languages. At the top of the list, though, would be eating alone in a restaurant. I hate it. I don't want to do it. Unfortunately I am alone, in a new state, 16 hours from home, and hungry.

I did it though. I went to Applebees. I first went to the downtown area where there are a lot of quaint outdoor cafes and local restaurants but I really couldn't do that. I at least had to go somewhere that I was mildly comfortable. I would like to point out at this point that instead of sports playing on the televisions at the bar there was Nascar. Not a sport people!

I feel the need to mention that I am not trying to be negative. When I started out on this trip I knew that I would be growing in many areas and I was, and still am, excited for that. But as you all know, growth is tough and I struggle with it as much as anyone else. So this is not me pointing out the bad points of my trip; it is me being human and trying to grow.

Overall, I am having a wonderful time. I love this town already. The Main St (which was apparently voted America's best Main St in 2003) is absolutely adorable. Just what you picture when you think of "Main St". There are cute local shops for everything from stationary to leather. There are also numerous restaurants, all with outdoor seating. I'm even getting to know my way around. Other than my trip to Target, I haven't used my GPS today. I also got to enjoy one of my favorite places, Steak N Shake! I know, it's another chain. Maybe tomorrow I will work up the courage to go into a local cafe.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Lesson #1

Lesson of the day: Patience.

I am not going to claim to have mastered today's lesson but at least I recognized that it was the lesson and here is why:

If you know me at all you know that I hate driving in the rain. I would rather drive in the snow than rain (just as long as I don't have to get out because, let's be real, I would rather live in rain than in snow). Second thing you should know about me is I have a slight problem with road rage.

Today combined both of these personality traits of mine and did not make a pretty picture. Apparently, when people see rain they slam on their brakes and go 30mph. Granted it was more of a torrential down pour than a light rain but still. So I drove miles upon miles going 30mph... on the highway... in the rain. Awesome.

In addition to people not knowing how to respond to rain there were other individuals that just shouldn't be on the road. Things that came out of my mouth today include: "You have a blinker. Use it!" "It's a 70mph zone. Why are you going 50mph in the left lane??" "I know your car is new enough to have cruise control so keep a consistent speed!" and the most popular, "MOVE OUT OF MY WAY!!"

So the lesson was patience. I clearly have a long way to go but you know what they say, admitting you have a problem is the first step.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

To Infinity and Beyond!

Ok so I didn't go to infinity, and I definitely did not go beyond, but Naomi and I did take a short jaunt around Vermont a week and a half ago (I have delayed posting sometimes). After church we headed up the highway and found our way to Quechee Gorge Village. There was a flea marker outside where many treasures were to be found. Inside we sampled all the Cabot cheeses, tasted Putney Mountain Wine, and ate all the other delectable Vermont goodies. We found ourselves sufficiently thirsty so we grabbed some water and headed out for a hike into the Gorge.

Despite the mosquitos it was beautiful and we even saw about six butterflies fluttering around.

After our hike we continued across Route 4 to Long Trail Brewery. We both enjoyed a cold pint and decided on our new goal for the summer: complete our Vermont Brewery Passport.

A little ways down the road Route 4 connects with Route 100 which takes you down to Ludlow. Just before you get into town is the Green Mountain Sugar House which sells the best maple creamies. Of course we had to stop and eat the delicious ice cream by the lake.

Once home we finished the day by watching Mamma Mia! Does it get any better? Go out and explore Vermont for yourself, I always find something fun... and usually delicious!

Friday, May 27, 2011

My Breakfast

Here is the story of my morning (as I'm sure all of you are sitting at home on the edge of you chair waiting to hear about my breakfast). I woke up and came down the stairs and found my brother in the kitchen. After the usual "Good morning, Grumpy!" I grunt back and asked him what he is doing there. He claims he is waiting for his breakfast sandwich that mom is bringing back to him. Mom is bringing him a breakfast sandwich. Where's my breakfast sandwich?
Well I decided that after my chiropractor appointment I would go and get my own delicious breakfast sandwich and it was going to be better than the one he got. Ha!
So I go to one of my favorite places in the area, the Java Cup in Claremont, NH. As the patron at the table next to me said, it is a little piece of Nirvana. The perfect place to meet a friend for coffee and a scone, or grab your lap top and finish the 20 papers that are due before the last day of class, or to get breakfast sandwiches! (They also have other foods like omelets, sandwiches, and other deli type foods along with the BEST pastries and cakes in the world)
Mission complete. Let me tell you, my breakfast sandwich was way better than Tim's and I even got an iced coffee. :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I am in lunch heaven.

So I'm driving a client home today and I see a sign for maple creamies and maple shakes. Obviously I had to stop. Once inside I see they have other food as well so I order the chicken tender combo which includes chicken tenders and french fries. Well let me tell you, this was no ordinary chicken tenders and fries. Hand cut fries deep fried to perfection and fried chicken sliced into strips. Oh. my. god. I repeat: lunch heaven. Top that with a maple shake and I could have died.

If you want to experience this utopia go to the Route 4 Country Store and Deli between White River Junction and Quechee, VT.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Walking on Water

Matthew 14:28-33

28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” 29 “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” 31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” 32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

God often asks us to completely trust him and take a step, even when we do not see the next step in front of us. If you ask me I will tell you that I completely trust God with my life. Whatever He asks I will do. Well, He asked something of me and I really had to ask myself if I completely trusted Him.

I quit my job today. July 1st will be my last day. I have known for quite some time that I was to move this summer and find a life else where but I wasn't ready to leave one job until I knew I had another one lined up, not in this economy at least. Well, I was told to walk out onto the water. At first I panicked but God has given me an overwhelming sense of peace. I don't know where I'm going or what I'm doing but I know that God will open the right doors and show me the way.

P.S. Although I have complete faith that everything will fall into place, prayers would be much appreciated. I'll keep everyone updated.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mountain Top Experience

Have you ever heard people refer to an enlightening moment as a "Mountain Top Experience?" It typically comes after one has had an epiphany of some sort. In my continual search for direction in my life I went out looking for my own "mountain top experience."
Yesterday, May 1st, was a beautiful day and it was much appreciated after the winter we have had in New England. The sun was shining and the temperatures were in the 60's-70's. There is just no way I could have sat inside all day with those types of conditions. I decided to go for a hike by myself (something I did not classify as dangerous until my way back down when I recalled a Criminal Minds episode in which people were being hunted in the woods), to Cascade Falls on Mt. Ascutney.
Since I was two I have lived with a perfect view of Mt. Ascutney. I have been hiking this mountain as long as I can remember. The hike to the falls is beautiful and I was excited to get out there after a long winter of being inside.
I brought the book "Crazy Love" along with me. Once at the falls I sat down and read for quite awhile with only the sounds of the birds and the rushing water. I didn't exactly have a moment of clarity but I was able to spend time with the amazing God that created this beautiful world.
You can't tell me, after seeing something like this, that there is no God.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I've been getting complaints.

I've been getting complaints from people, mostly because I have not posted a new blog in over six months. Well, quite frankly, I have been busy. As most of you know (because you could hear me screaming this from miles away) I am done with school!!! This was the main reason I was so busy. So with this new found sense of freedom, more blog posts will come.
In addition, the blog will be taking on a new purpose, in light of some developments in my life. First, I am graduating. Second, my brother is getting married and is planning on moving into the house I was raised in. I honestly do not know where I will be come July but I guess I will be moving out. I could be in New England. I could be on the other side of the country. I could be in a foreign county! I really do not know. Because of this uncertainty I am leaving this blog open to whatever God leads me to. If I am led elsewhere I will keep everyone informed of the new adventures. If I am to stay here then you will hear about that.
I am excited for the next chapter of my life. God is leading me somewhere great and I know it. I only wish I knew where. This is no longer a blog about discovering what is around me locally but it is now about discovering my future and my purpose.