Monday, July 11, 2011

Lessons from SC

In my continuing learning journey tonight I will bring you insights about South Carolina. Here are a few things I have learned about this great state:
1. They, like most southern states, love NASCAR. (Not a sport!)
2. No matter what kind of music they normally play, all radio stations become christian on Sunday mornings.
3. No one uses blinkers.
4. I'm pretty sure they still harbor anger towards yankees.
5. People stay up past 9pm!

I'm sure there have been other things. Let's face it, it's the south, they're weird. But I'm loving it! I applied to 10 jobs today. My hand it still seizing; but I already have two interviews for when I get back! Tomorrow I am going to be looking at a few apartments. This is the part I have been most excited for. I will hopefully have pictures and more to talk about tomorrow!

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