Thursday, September 29, 2011

All the glory to Him

Since I moved, and even before then, I had been searching for a job. That was my main focus for the past three months. It consumed my thoughts daily and I was constantly worried about not finding work. I knew God was testing me but how far was He going to go? It seemed to me that our clocks were not synced. I was ready for work and God was telling me to wait. I came to a point of complete surrender. I had sent out over 50 applications to jobs related and unrelated to my field and I had heard nothing. I thought that I was fully qualified. I had an education, I had experience, I was a pleasant person, and yet... nothing.
Last Friday I gave up. (Ask my mom, it wasn't pretty) I couldn't handle the stress anymore. A new round of bills were coming and there was no way that I could pay them and no one was calling me for interviews and I was out of ideas. I gave it all up on Friday. I cried out to God and handed everything over.
On Sunday, a friend from church asked if I was still looking for a job and offered me the info for a position that she had interviewed for but did not want. I sent off my resume that night at midnight. At 9am Monday morning (they woke me up) I got a call to come in for an interview at 2pm. By 2:15 they offered me the job and I started Tuesday morning at 9am.
God is good! (A complete understatement) He was waiting for me to hand the situation over to Him and in His perfect timing everything fell into place. And to add a cherry to the top, I got to work on Tuesday and they had Green Mountain Coffee. :)
Yes, the bills are still and issue but I know He will work it all out.
I want to thank you all for the prayers and thoughts. You all mean so much to me.
I will keep you updated on the adventures of being a receptionist in a psychiatrist's office. It had been eventful so far. :D