Thursday, August 9, 2012

Five Iron Frenzy

All of you should know one thing about me. My favorite band is Five Iron Frenzy.

And I got to see them this past weekend as my birthday present from my mom!!!

And I even got to talk with the saxophonist, Leanor "Jeff the Girl" Ortega!!

I would leave it at that but unfortunately most people are confused because it is not the typical kind of music I listen to. You will usually see me listening to mostly country or some acoustic stuff like Jason Mraz but not ska punk. Well here is something I try not to advertise much, I was a wanna be punk rocker in middle/high school. I wore a spiked bracelet and baggy pants. I thought I was cool...

But I digress. During that stage of my life is when I was introduced to Five Iron and bands like them such as the OC Supertones and the W's.

Nine years ago, on Nov 22, 2003, Five Iron called it quits and went on to have real jobs and start families. On Nov. 22, 2011 (a day now known as Five Iron Frenzy Day) they launched a Kickstarter project to raise funds to produce a new album. They never believed that they would not only raise their goal of $30,000 but exceed it in only a few minutes. Over the next month they raised over $200,000 and started making music and touring again.

Five Iron fans are unlike any other band fans. They brought their band back from the dead. We are a dedicated group that did not give up hope 9 years ago.
Here is how one fan shows his love. (I know it may not look like much to most of you but to those who love Five Iron, this is awesome!)

One thing that I always appreciated about the band is that they saw their music as their ministry. They purposefully signed with a secular label despite being a Christian band. They wanted to use their music to share Christ.

Some people would argue that they were not really a Christian band. They had silly songs such as "The Phantom Mullet""Pre-ex Girlfriend" "At lease I'm Not Like All Those Other Old Guys" and may others but when you hear lyrics like the ones below there is no denying that this band loves Jesus and just wants to share that hope and grace with everyone. They may look a little different and act a little weird but who isn't. They have a passion for Christ and music and I am so glad they are back doing what they love!

"Lord search my heart. Create in me something clean. Dandelions, You see flowers in these weeds" - Dandelions
"The farsighted see better things" - Farsighted
"The Author of my hope is writing the greatest story ever told" - The Greatest Story Ever Told
"The struggles go on, the wisdom I lack, the burdens keep pilling up on my back. So hard to breathe, to take the next step. The mountain is high, I wait in the depths. Yearning for grace, and hoping for peace. Dear God increase." - Every New Day

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