Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Swing Dancing

Over the past month or two I have started going swing dancing at the Handlebar with my friend Sharon. It has been so much fun. Basically, it starts out with a lesson in which you learn five or so basic moves then the rest of the time is free dance. What ends up happening is, you dance with someone for a song and once the song ends someone else comes up and so on. You end up meeting so many people and have a lot of fun doing it.

It is obvious that some of the guys have been going for a long time and know what they are doing while I think for others it is a miracle that they have not broken a girl's foot from stepping on it. Some guys spin to much, others not enough. Some can't keep time, and others are making their own time. Some have the ability to carry on a halfway decent conversation, while others need to stare at their feet the entire time.

This was my last night attending swing dancing and all I could think of was the KJ-52 song in which he just wants someone to dance with but is continually rejected by girls who say, "Your pants are straight ugly, you can't dance, and your personality just bugs me" which is how I felt about many of the guys I met. None of the guys I met fit my rhythm.

As KJ so wonderfully points out in the song, it doesn't matter how many people reject you or how many are not the right fit for you. What matters is the one that is the right fit. That's the one that will be your dance partner for life.

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