Saturday, April 28, 2012

Foxy Friday... on a Saturday!

As you may have noticed... I have been uninspired lately. I have recently gotten a new wind of inspiration and have come back to share with you all.
This project actually comes from my mother who made my sister-in-law's and I a beautiful snap clutch for Christmas. I got the pattern from her and decided to try my hand at it.
All you need are two fat quarters (For those of you who don't quilt, a fat quarter is a 18"x22"piece of fabric) and two 8in pieces of a measuring tape (Yes, I went to Home Depot, bought a 24ft measuring tape, and cut it up).
This particular one is for a friend that I'm sure doesn't read my blog so it's ok (It's ok that I put it on here, it's not ok that she doesn't read my blog. We will have a chat about it.) but I actually made two since they were so much fun but the other one is for someone who actually reads this. :)

And just like my last project, this is made with fabric that can only be purchased in Vermont!