Friday, May 27, 2011

My Breakfast

Here is the story of my morning (as I'm sure all of you are sitting at home on the edge of you chair waiting to hear about my breakfast). I woke up and came down the stairs and found my brother in the kitchen. After the usual "Good morning, Grumpy!" I grunt back and asked him what he is doing there. He claims he is waiting for his breakfast sandwich that mom is bringing back to him. Mom is bringing him a breakfast sandwich. Where's my breakfast sandwich?
Well I decided that after my chiropractor appointment I would go and get my own delicious breakfast sandwich and it was going to be better than the one he got. Ha!
So I go to one of my favorite places in the area, the Java Cup in Claremont, NH. As the patron at the table next to me said, it is a little piece of Nirvana. The perfect place to meet a friend for coffee and a scone, or grab your lap top and finish the 20 papers that are due before the last day of class, or to get breakfast sandwiches! (They also have other foods like omelets, sandwiches, and other deli type foods along with the BEST pastries and cakes in the world)
Mission complete. Let me tell you, my breakfast sandwich was way better than Tim's and I even got an iced coffee. :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I am in lunch heaven.

So I'm driving a client home today and I see a sign for maple creamies and maple shakes. Obviously I had to stop. Once inside I see they have other food as well so I order the chicken tender combo which includes chicken tenders and french fries. Well let me tell you, this was no ordinary chicken tenders and fries. Hand cut fries deep fried to perfection and fried chicken sliced into strips. Oh. my. god. I repeat: lunch heaven. Top that with a maple shake and I could have died.

If you want to experience this utopia go to the Route 4 Country Store and Deli between White River Junction and Quechee, VT.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Walking on Water

Matthew 14:28-33

28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” 29 “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” 31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” 32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

God often asks us to completely trust him and take a step, even when we do not see the next step in front of us. If you ask me I will tell you that I completely trust God with my life. Whatever He asks I will do. Well, He asked something of me and I really had to ask myself if I completely trusted Him.

I quit my job today. July 1st will be my last day. I have known for quite some time that I was to move this summer and find a life else where but I wasn't ready to leave one job until I knew I had another one lined up, not in this economy at least. Well, I was told to walk out onto the water. At first I panicked but God has given me an overwhelming sense of peace. I don't know where I'm going or what I'm doing but I know that God will open the right doors and show me the way.

P.S. Although I have complete faith that everything will fall into place, prayers would be much appreciated. I'll keep everyone updated.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mountain Top Experience

Have you ever heard people refer to an enlightening moment as a "Mountain Top Experience?" It typically comes after one has had an epiphany of some sort. In my continual search for direction in my life I went out looking for my own "mountain top experience."
Yesterday, May 1st, was a beautiful day and it was much appreciated after the winter we have had in New England. The sun was shining and the temperatures were in the 60's-70's. There is just no way I could have sat inside all day with those types of conditions. I decided to go for a hike by myself (something I did not classify as dangerous until my way back down when I recalled a Criminal Minds episode in which people were being hunted in the woods), to Cascade Falls on Mt. Ascutney.
Since I was two I have lived with a perfect view of Mt. Ascutney. I have been hiking this mountain as long as I can remember. The hike to the falls is beautiful and I was excited to get out there after a long winter of being inside.
I brought the book "Crazy Love" along with me. Once at the falls I sat down and read for quite awhile with only the sounds of the birds and the rushing water. I didn't exactly have a moment of clarity but I was able to spend time with the amazing God that created this beautiful world.
You can't tell me, after seeing something like this, that there is no God.